El Vez Fort Lauderdale

See Other Fort Lauderdale Happy Hour or Test Happy Hour Menus
  • El Vez Fort Lauderdale
    Menu Last Updated On 01/28/24
  • Drink Specials

    Monday - Friday
    3 PM - 6 PM

    Margaritas $6
    - Frozen Blood Orange
    - Classic El Vez

    Cerveza $6
    - Monopolio Clara
    - Monopolio Negra
    - Monopolio IPA
    - Tarpon River ‘Deflated’ Hazy IPA
    - Stella Artois
    - Veza Sur ‘Spanglish’ Latin Lager

    Wine $6
    - Sparkling
    - Chardonnay
    - Malbec

    Food Specials

    Monday - Friday
    3 PM - 6 PM

    - 2 Chicken Tacos
    - 2 Carnitas Tacos
    - Smoked Chicken Wings

    - Pina Con Camarron
    - Half Nacho Mama

Care To Donate?

My only source of revenue was through ads which I have disabled to make a better user experience. Donations will go towards updating happy hour menus for most visited city pages over the next few months. Thank you so much if you can!

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